1. 英语再好,不练习都会退步
How many Mainland Chinese can learn English to the level that we can? A very small percentage. They are using Mandarin all the time, they will lose their English. I will give you an example. I used to meet the Taiwanese ministers, the older generation - all Harvard PhDs. In other words, they wrote their theses in English but worked in Taiwan in Mandarin. When I went to Taiwan, I spoke to them in Mandarin, first two days (my Mandarin was) very stiff. At the end of the week, I was more fluent. They came here to meet people from our ministries, first two days their English was halting, at the end of the week they became more fluent.
2. 流利比词汇量更重要
Learn young, never mind the standard, capture the fluency, capture the way you speak it, capture the grammar, never mind if your vocabulary is limited, you can expand it later on.
3. 多开口才能活学活用
You need to spend the time and effort. You must have the interest. At the end of the day, it must be a live language. Apart from watching it on the TV or reading the newspapers, you must meet people and talk. Then it is a live language.
4. 从小学语言记得更牢
Language is heard and spoken long before people learn to write and to read. The more frequently one uses a language, the easier it is to express one's thoughts in it. The younger one learns to speak a langugae, the more permanently it is remembered.
5. 西学为体,中学为用
I may speak the English language better than I speak the Chinese language because I learnt English early in life. But I'll never be an Englishman in a thousand generations and I have not got the Western value system inside me; it's an Eastern value system with the western value system superimposed.
新加坡实施数十年的双语教育政策要求国民在学校接受英语和母语教育,由此,我们也能感受到与李光耀先生对语言的重视和看法不无关系。大家赶快练起来吧,come on~
外语教学与研究出版社(简称“外研社”)由北京外国语大学于1979 年创办并主管,是一家以外语教育出版为特色,国内领先、国际知名的综合性文化教育出版机构。[了解更多]
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