Every coin has two sides?
Every coin has two sides. 这句话的字面意思是“每个硬币都有正反两面”,引申义也就是“任何事都具有两面性”,跟there are two sides to every story一样。这似乎很顺理成章,没什么可多说的。但问题在于,中国学生太偏爱这个硬币的比喻了。尤其在写作文的时候,动不动就来句However, every coin has two sides.
It seems like all the students I know who have a reasonable grasp of English know and love the idiom “every coin has two sides.” Do you know of any other idioms or phrases they could use instead? It gets old after a while. Thanks!
“似乎所有我认识的有一定英语水平的学生都知道并特别爱用every coin has two sides这个短语。你们能推荐一些其他的类似短语让他们用吗?老是这句话,都腻味了。多谢!”
可能有人会质疑这个观点,所以我先强调一下:every coin has two sides并不错,如果你认为有必要用,那就放心大胆地用,我只是不推荐而已。至于为什么说这种表达方式不太地道,原因很简单:英语母语者几乎不用。他们其实也很喜欢“硬币”这个比喻,但一般都会说the flip side of the coin is(硬币的反面是)、two/opposite sides of the same coin(同一个硬币的正反两面)之类的话,很少会真正使用every coin has two sides。举例如下:
Many directors hold the belief that the kinds of movies people want to see are those about people who live grand, epic lives that bear no resemblance to our own. “It’s like taking a trip to a new and wonderful place!” is the rationale. There’s a certain degree of truth there, but the flip side of the coin is, it’s often hard to identify with and care about the grand people who live in those worlds.
The problem with you is, you want rewards when you do well, but you don’t want punishments when you screw up. That just doesn’t work. Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin—one cannot exist without the other.
细心的读者可能已经看出来了,虽然the flip side of the coin和two/opposite sides of the same coin基本意思一致,但两者还是有细微区别的。前者更接近于中国学生偏爱的every coin has two sides,强调的是“异”,也就是说,“别忘了还要从对立面来看问题”;而后者则更强调的是“同”,也就是说,“虽然有异,但对立的两面必须同时存在”。这从后者直接含有same这个词就可见一斑。
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