又是一年年末购物季,自2009年11月11日,阿里开启双11购物节以来,今年已是第9个年头了。今年的双“11”、Black Friday和Boxing-Day你是否依旧在手机或电脑边抢购、随时随地抢购下单?随着Omni-Channel Shopping(全渠道购物)时代来临,同时满足了各种不同形式的购物需求,尤其是Online-Shopping,以手机为终端的电子商务正在迈向更加灵活多样的“移动商务”(mobile commerce) 时代。
M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cell phone and tablets. Known as next-generation e-commerce, m-commerce enables users to access the Internet without needing to find a place to plug in.
As content delivery over wireless devices becomes faster, more secure, and scalable, there is wide speculation that m-commerce will surpass wireline e-commerce as the method of choice for digital commerce transactions.
The industries affected by m-commerce include:
Financial services, which includes mobile banking (when customers use their handheld devices to access their accounts and pay their bills) as well as brokerage services, in which stock quotes can be displayed and trading conducted from the same handheld device.
Service/retail, as consumers are given the ability to place and pay for orders on-the-fly.
The world's biggest online shopping day on Nov 11 has ended with record sales of 57.1 billion yuan ($9.34 billion) for China's Alibaba. Taobao said that the number of the so-called "hands-chopping people", has reached 1.08 million out of its 500 million registered customers.
Hands-chopping people" are big online spenders who self-mockingly say that they would like to chop their hands off after buying too much online.
Fauxsumerism refers to browsing products and engaging with brands without the intention of purchasing anything. The phenomenon refers to browsing for things you won’t necessarily buy, which young people consider an endless source of fun.
The rise of fauxsumerism was revealed in a recent study of 1,300 14-to-34-year olds in the US. These millenials, born between 1980 and 2000 are browsers rather than buyers. The report found they create wishlists, with no intention of actually buying. Sometimes they don’t have the money to make the purchase but save the item anyway. There is even the suggestion that these fauxsumers get the same kick out of saving an item as they would if they had bought it.
有疯狂购物狂,也有人喜欢跟风购物,还有人热衷于在别人购物时给人出主意,享受替人挑选物品,这就是backseat buyer——后座购物者。
Backseat buyer is a person who gets excited over other people's future or current purchases. Backseat buyer enjoys helping other person choose stuff as much as buying something for himself/herself. Usually an enthusiastic shopper for themselves as well. It can also be used as an adjective and verb.
后座购物者会因为他人即将要购买或现在要购买东西而感到愉悦兴奋。他们热衷于帮助别人挑选东西,对他们而言,帮别人购物和给自己购物一样快乐。他们自己通常也是狂热的购物者。“后座购物者”的动词形式是“后座购物”,即backseat buying。
Deshopper is a person who buys something with the specific intention of using it and later returning it to the shop for a full refund.
Typical deshopping activities include the purchase, buying a dress to wear once to a party and later returning it for a full refund, sometimes even replacing the original price tags.
Although most of the retailers are aware of deshopping, few have taken steps to update return policies, due to the risk of customer defection in today's highly competitive environment. Key traits of deshoppers were the tendency to brag about deshopping victories to friends, and the perception that returning goods for a full refund was like 'winning a battle' against retailers.
TRANSUMERS(blend of transient and consumer) are big-spending travelers. They are consumers who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions. The fixed is replaced by an obsession with the current, an ever-shorter satisfaction span, and a lust to collect as many experiences and stories as possible…
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