2016年科幻界的最高奖项——雨果奖再次花落中国,并且还是一个年轻的女孩的身上,她的名字就是郝景芳。与刘慈欣《三体》中天马行空似的想象不同, 郝景芳将目光投向了北京的现实生活。她的作品《北京折叠》(Folding Beijing)中出现的三层空间里面的人群, 其实就是北京不同社会阶层真实工作生活状态的写照。
People who had just gotten off work filled the road. Men and women crowded every street vendor, picking through local produce and bargaining loudly. Customers packed the plastic tables at the food hawker stalls, which were immersed in the aroma of frying oil. They ate heartily with their faces buried in bowls of hot and sour rice noodles, their heads hidden by clouds of white steam. Other stands featured mountains of jujubes and walnuts, and hunks of cured meat swung overhead. This was the busiest hour of the day—work was over, and everyone was hungry and loud.
Key words: clouded, busiest, loud
我们再来看对 第二空间的描写:
The buildings here weren’t nearly as tall as buildings in Third Space. The sidewalks were filled with people walking very fast, and from time to time, some trotted and tried to shove their way through the crowd, causing those in front of them to begin running as well. Everyone seemed to run across intersections. The men dressed mostly in western suits while the women wore blouses and short skirts, with scarves around their necks and compact, rigid purses in their hands that lent them an air of competence and efficiency.
Key words: fast, efficiency
作者对于 第一空间的描写与其他空间的切入角度有所不同,从景物描写入手:
Lao Dao had never seen such a sight. The sun rose gradually. The sky was a deep and pure azure, with an orange fringe at the horizon, decorated with slanted, thin wisps of cloud. The eaves of a nearby building blocked the sun, and the eaves appeared especially dark while the background was dazzlingly bright.
Occasionally, well-dressed women passed Lao Dao in two-wheeled carts. The passengers adopted such graceful postures that it was as though they were in some fashion show. No one paid any attention to Lao Dao. The trees swayed in the breeze, and the air in their shade seemed suffused with the perfume from the elegant women.
Key words: bright, graceful
在作者的笔下,生活在第一空间的人们似乎没有什么生活的压力,天空是湛蓝的,空气是纯净的,人类是悠闲的。对第一空间的人来说, 生活不是一场战斗,而是一种享受。所以第一空间的人摆脱了物质的束缚,活得优雅而从容。
据说郝景芳的《北京折叠》引发了大家对社会阶层的大讨论,触动了不少人脆弱而又敏感的神经。毕竟, 我们中的大多数人,还似乎只是生活在作者笔下的第二空间和第三空间,而非第一空间。也许, 阶层分级之势不可逆转,但是不管生活在哪个阶层,我们都有责任和义务把自己的生活经营得更好, 让自己活得更精彩。
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