


发布时间: 2020-11-03



Spring declares the great rejuvenation of nature from its wintry slumber. As the temperature picks up, animals and plants all start a new growth cycle - which offers the perfect window to nip the freshest ingredients to add some seasonal delights to your dining table.


Since the quick weather transition may leave your body vulnerable to diseases like the flu, spring is also high time for you to recover vitality and have a healthy kick-start to 2020!



● 原文复现 ●



(图片源自Reader's Digest UK 2017-10,P48--49)


一、锁定标题 预测文意  

大字标题“Full Of Beans”一定会首先映入读者的眼帘。通过标题,预测文章内容会是什么?标题“Full Of Beans”是什么意思?是本义“豆类云集”,还是习语“精力充沛”呢?

二、细节助力 确定范围 

标题上方的“THE NUTRITION CONNECTION” “营养链接”,左下方的作者简介“… is a member of the Nutrition Society”以及文章配图进一步帮助读者预测文章内容——从营养学角度对豆类进行说明。

三、浏览文本 明确主旨  

文本结构清晰,为总分结构。文章首段第一句说明了摄入豆类的益处——豆类有助于降低疾病风险,确保精力充沛。首段第二句“Here are our top picks, plus tips on how to enjoy them.”引出下文,揭示文章主旨——几种豆类的营养价值及烹饪方法说明。各段落的小标题“Black Beans、Chickpeas、Lentils、Kidney Beans、Butter Beans”为各种豆类的名称,与文章标题“Full Of Beans”呼应——豆类云集;精力充沛。此时,大家是否体会到了“Full Of Beans”这一标题“一语双关”的妙用?

● 评判阅读 ●




1.… they’re especially good at feeding the friendly bacteria that keep our colons healthy.

This means they could be particularly beneficial to type-2 diabetics,...

以上两句中especially 和particularly两个副词的使用不仅加强了语气,而且使得表达更加自然、生动、地道。我们在英语书面表达中也可以有意识地使用类似的副词。

I really hope that you will have great fun at your friend’s home. (2018全国卷Ⅰ 介绍到中国朋友家里做客的风俗习惯)

I'm good at English, especially/particularly /in particular spoken English.(申请信的自我介绍部分)

I really hope that my suggestions will benefit you a lot.(建议信)

You are particularly welcome to give performances. (2019全国卷III  邀请英国朋友参加学校音乐节)

2.Blend chickpeas with olive oil, lemon, garlic and tahinifor an easy hummus dip.


Cook butter beans with butternut squash, coconut milk and spices for a delicious curry. 把利马豆与冬南瓜加入椰子奶中一起烹饪,再佐以调料使其入味,然后就可以享受美味咖喱、唇齿留香之感。

“blend…for an easy hummus dip” “cook …for a delicious curry”中介词“for”的使用简洁自然,其英文解释为“in order to have, do, get, or obtain something.”为了要;为了做;为了得到。

我们在写作中可以灵活使用介词for 以使得句子表达更加凝练。

如:I am more than delighted to learn that you are coming to China for a visit. 得知你要来中国(旅游)我非常高兴。

这句话一般是放在书信的第一段,“for a visit”的使用不仅能够准确完整地表达意思,而且简洁地道,不至于使得第一段有冗长之感。


For more information/ For more details, don't hesitate to contact me. 想了解更多信息/细节,请随时与我联系。


1.RESEARCH SUGGESTS THAT UPPING YOUR INTAKE OF LEGUMES AND PULSES can lower your risk of heart disease, reduce over-eating and increase energy—among many other health benefits.

up/increase your intake of…增加……的摄入量。up在本句中是动词,其英文解释为 increase the amount of sth.

among many other health benefits 除了好多其他健康方面的好处

among other things/places/factors etc 除了其他东西/地方/因素等

At the meeting they discussed, among other things, specific measures to fight the novel coronavirus. 会上除其他议题外,他们还讨论了抗击新型冠状病毒的具体措施。

2.Here are our top picks, plus tips on how to enjoy them.

top在句中是形容词,最佳的,最好的(best); pick 在句中为名词,the best thing or things in a group 精品;精华;最好的东西。

top picks 最佳选择;最好的东西,在本句中指最有营养价值的豆类。

3.This humble legume contains a good ratio of protein and carbohydrate, plus a little fat, which helps keep you satiated.

a good ratio of… 很大比例的……good在此句中是形容词,英文释义为large in amount,size, range or degree(数量、面积、范围、程度等)相当大的,相当多的。

We’ve had a good crop of apples. 我们的苹果大丰收。

The kitchen is a good size. 这厨房相当大。There’s a good range of leisure facilities. 有很多娱乐设施。

Our team has a good chance of winning(=is fairly likely to win). 我们队获胜机会很大。

4.Lentils soak up flavours easily, so are perfect for adding to casseroles and stews.小扁豆很容易入味,因此是做炖烧菜的完美配料。

perfect for sb./sth.——exactly right for sb./sth. 正合适

perfect way/place/person etc for sth.perfect way/place/time etc to do sth.I’m/She is the perfect candidate for the job. 我/她是这项工作的最佳人选。(申请信或推荐信)

Autumn is a perfect season for a visit to Beijing.Autumn is a perfect season to pay a visit to Beijing.It was a perfect day for a picnic. 那是野餐最理想的天气。


1.Here are our top picks, plus tips on how to enjoy them.

Here are/is… 是倒装句,“以下是……”大家在写建议信时,第一段的尾句可以使用此句型来引出下文。

Here are my tips/suggestions on how to learn Chinese well.

Here is my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

As for the physical exercise in our school, here is something about it. (2018年全国卷III  向英国朋友介绍你校学生体育运动情况)



(1)This humble legume contains a good ratio of protein and carbohydrate, plus a little fat, which helps keep you satiated.

(2)In fact, a study found that people who had chickpeas in their diet ate less overall, helping to keep body weight lower.

(3)These are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre,which not only help to keep you regular, but can also lower cholesterol.

(4)This trace mineral is an important factor of antioxidant defence, helping you to ward off everything from colds to wrinkles.

仔细研读上面四个句子,大家不难发现,第(1)(3)句使用了which 引导的非限制性定语从句,对前面的句子进行补充说明。第(2)(4)句使用了现在分词短语作结果状语。仔细体会句中的现在分词短语与which 引导的非限制性定语从句,我们会发现这两种表达可以进行互换。我们可以在书面表达中使用这种表达方式来扩充信息,丰富句意。

(1)First of all, I speak English fluently, which allows me to communicate with visitors without difficulty. ( 2019全国卷Ⅰ 申请做一名中国画展览的志愿者)

(2)If accepted, I can introduce Chinese painting skills to visitors, which can help them know more about Chinese culture. 

(2019全国卷Ⅰ 申请做一名中国画展览的志愿者)

(3)I advise you to go to the bookstore to borrow a history book and learn about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance,which can help you better understand the poems to be learned. (2017全国卷I  教英国朋友学习唐诗)  

(4)This activity will be a feast of traditional Chinese art, giving you a good opportunity to experience everything from Beijing Opera to Paper-cutting.

(5)The activity ranges from Beijing Opera to Paper-cutting,giving you a good chance to have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

3.Why not try black bean soup for a warming mid-week meal? Simply combine the beans with some vegetables and stock and heat through. 为什么不在周中来一碗暖暖的黑豆汤呢?只需要把黑豆和蔬菜放在高汤中充分地炖煮即可。

Why not + 动词原形…? = Why don’t you do … ?可以用于提出建议。So attractive will the course be that I am eager to become an expert in paper-cutting.Why not sign up for it?(邀请交换生一起参加剪纸选修课)Simply combine…是祈使句,祈使句以动词原形开头。副词simply(used to emphasize how easy it is to do sth.) 只是,只要(用于强调某事多么容易)

Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. 一招手,马上就会有出租车过来。(外研版 必修四 Module 2 Traffic Jam)


The study, conducted at The Ohio state University, found that male mice who were fed a diet of ten per cent tomato powder experienced a 50 per cent reduction in skin cancer when exposed to UV light, compared to non-tomato-eating mice.

分析:1.本句的主干为 The study found that…;2.conducted at The Ohio state University 是过去分词短语作后置定语,对主语the study 进行补充说明;3.that 引导的从句作found 的宾语;4.that引导的宾语从句中,从句的主干为male mice experienced a 50 per cent reduction in skin cancer;who 引导的定语从句修饰限定主语male mice;when exposed to UV light是when 引导的时间状语从句,使用了状语从句的省略,补充完整应该为when they were exposed to UV light;compared to non-tomato-eating mice为过去分词短语作状语。


The study,_____(conduct)at the Ohio State University,found that male mice who were fed a diet of ten percent tomato powder experienced a 50 percent______(reduce) in skin cancer when_______(expose)to UV light,compared to non-tomato-eating mice.

● 豆类名词 ●

chickpea 鹰嘴豆  

lentil   小扁豆,小扁豆植株

kidney bean  菜豆, 四季豆,芸豆

butter bean  棉豆,利马豆

● 难词扫碍 ●

Naturopathic  Nutrition 自然疗法的营养学

legume  n.豆科作物

pulse   n.豆类植物

colon    n.结肠

incidence  n.发生范围,发生率

UV light  紫外线

carotenoid  n.类胡萝卜素

pigment   n.色素

satiated  满足的

tahini  n.(中东)芝麻酱

hummus  n.鹰嘴豆泥(中东食品)

soluble  adj. 可溶的

cholesterol  n.胆固醇

casserole  n.  炖锅, 炖烧菜

stew  n. 炖的菜,煨的菜

starchy  adj.(食物)含有大量淀粉的

diabetic  n .糖尿病患者

chilli n. (干)辣椒,辣椒粉

renowned  adj. 有名的,享有声誉的

manganese  n. 锰

antioxidant  n. 抗氧化剂

ward  v.避开,防止(疾病,危险等)

butternut squash  n.冬南瓜

coconut milk  n.椰子汁

curry  n. 咖喱

● 食品相关知识 ●

beans指豆类植物,也可指豆类的种子,但范围没有pulses大,如果是绿色的fresh bean,那么这就不属于pulses的范畴。pulses指豆类植物干燥后的种子或者干燥后的豆类作物,即强调干燥这一特性,所有的豆类种子都可用pulses表示.

A legume is a plant in the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae), or the seed of such a plant (also called pulse);Pulses are the dried edible seeds of certain plants in the legume family;Pulses are annual crops that yield between one and 12 grains or seeds. The term “pulses” is limited to crops harvested solely as dry grains, which differentiates them from other vegetable crops that are harvested while still green。如果bean是指种子的话,那么bean是归属于pulses的,即pulses包含了beans(Pulses include beans, lentils and peas)。



● 背景介绍 ●


1.蛋白质:豆类蛋白中人体所需的 8 种必需氨基酸含量与联合国粮农组织(FAO)建议的理想值相比十分合理 ,在食用豆类的同时可以适当搭配一些谷物食品,这样可以起到蛋白质互补的作用,从而提高食物的营养价值 。




1.黑豆:黑豆味甘性平,有补肾强身、活血利水、解毒的功效,特别适合肾虚者食用。黑豆营养丰富,有“豆中之王”、“营养之花”之美称 。

2. 鹰嘴豆:鹰嘴豆的食疗作用特别突出。它有止泻、解毒、强身、降血糖的作用,还可以用来治疗支气管炎、黏膜炎、便秘、痢疾、肠胃胀气、皮肤瘙痒、糖尿病、高血脂等疾病。此外,鹰嘴豆还含有丰富的抗炎症功能因子,有炎症的人应该多喝点鹰嘴豆粥 。

3.小扁豆: 性微温,味甘微涩,具有益气祛湿、解毒消暑、利喉止痛、以及防癌抗癌的功效。4.芸豆:味甘平、性温,有温中下气、利肠胃、止呃逆、益肾补元气等功效。适合心脏病患者和患有肾病、高血压等需低钠及低钾饮食者食用。芸豆还具有提高人体自身的免疫能力,增强抗病能力,激活淋巴 T 细胞,促进脱氧核糖核酸的合成等功能,对肿瘤细胞的发展有抑制作用。吃时注意必须煮熟、煮透,否则会引起中毒。5.利马豆:营养价值高,可以为身体提供膳食纤维,以及大量蛋白质和其他必需营养素,且具降低胆固醇、滋补调养之功效,夏食消暑提神,冬食补脾养胃。

● 写作提升 ●



注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus



Dear schoolmates,

As we all know, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has strongly influenced our life and study. Faced with the crisis, we students should respond actively to the appeal from the government and experts.

First of all, we’d better stay at home, which is beneficial to avoiding the spread of infection. Besides, wear masks to prevent contact with the virus when going out. What’s more, it is essential to wash our hands frequently, keep a balanced diet and exercise moderately. Last but not least, have a winning and positive mind.

With our joint efforts, we are bound to overcome all the difficulties and gain success.


                        The Students' Union

                                Mar. 4th, 2020

● 阅读升级 ●




(图片源自Reader 39's Digest_India---November 2019, P27--28)



(图片源自The  Guardian-09_09_2019,PG2--2)



(图片源自Los Angeles Times (2019.12.17)  P B2)


(图片源自The Washington Post-06_11_2019  P E1)


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