11月21-22日,“2017北京外国语大学国际化人才培养高峰论坛暨生源基地校工作会议”在北京外国语大学举办,乌克兰驻华使馆公使衔参赞 Victor Ponomaryov在开幕式致辞中介绍,‘一带一路’建设需要一支专业的、高技能的、有才华的队伍,所以要鼓励年轻人获得长足的教育,学习外语。乌克兰期待积极参与到全球人才培养当中去,为一带一路做出贡献。
图为Victor Ponomaryov在论坛现场致辞
以下为Victor Ponomaryov在论坛现场致辞,原文有改动。
It is both a great honor and a genuine pleasure for me to be invited to this important event and have an opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.
First of all, I'd like to once again underline that Ukraine is anxious to participate in the Belt and Road initiative. It was among the first countries to be included in the official list of this very timely initiative of global importance。
Our desire to be part of the initiative is quite natural – the ancient Silk Road passed through the territory of modern Ukrainian.But, of course, historical reasons are not the most important in this case – we just can't miss a once in a hundred years chance given to use to become a trade, transportation and logistics bridge between Europe and Asia.We are firm advocates of implementation of the Belt and Road, as we are conscious of its both economical and political advantages.
Suggesting the initiative and putting a lot of effort in it, China not only tries to facilitate trade, development and, thus, to bring prosperity to all the countries adjacent to Belt and Road itinerary. It also projects stability and peace to these states.
Coming to the main topic of today's event, I'd like to point out that realization of such an ambitious global plan is impossible without a whole army of very professional, skillful, talented personnel. As the initiative includes many different countries whose population speaks different languages, this personnel should also have a good command of foreign languages –be multilingual. Of course, we can't wait for such talents to appeal spontaneously, we should cultivate them, encourage young people to gain adequate education, learn foreign language. Without such knowledge it’s difficult for a young person to fully realize its potential and give valuable contribution the society.
All my personal experience confirms than-without learning several languages I’d have no chance of diplomatic career.
In this regard. I'd like to stress an important role in cultivation of talent of BFSU, more than 400 whose graduated became Chinese ambassadors. The teachers and professors of this University are doing a great job. Even Ukrainian Embassy made use of its work- one of the few our diplomats with excellent command of Chinese, and so precious for our activities, studied in this University.
Ukraine, one its part, having a developed network of educational and scientific institutes of rather high level, looks forward to more active participation in global cultivation of talents, also for the Belt and Road initiative.As of now Ukraine enjoys vast exchanges with china in both fields, we have inaugurated several joint research centers in Chinese territory, joint researches becoming more meaningful and mutually beneficial and creating unique prospects for the synergy of Ukrainian and Chinese science.
The Ukrainians' interest of Chinese language and culture is constantly growing, every year more and more young Ukrainians come to china to study. The Ukrainian language and culture also rise in popularity in China-we already have centers of Ukrainian culture in Harbin, Hangzhou, shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian. In those of them that were opened at the universities, Ukrainian language is taught. But we are just at the beginning of the road in promoting Ukrainian studies in China and Chinese studies in Ukraine.
I don't want to abuse your time, mentioning concrete examples of joint cultural, educational, scientific and other projects in the framework of the initiative.
But have no doubt, in the humanitarian domain of the 'one Belt, One Road' initiative we are witnessing a real boom of the events regularly held in the territory of Ukraine and china.
We completely share the idea of the Chinese leadership that contacts on cultural level contribute immensely to better understanding of different peoples of each other, and rare eager to do our part of the homework, as we see that One Belt, One Road is a specific cultural bridge between the states and an excellent opportunity for our people to become closer.
To finish my presentation, I assure you that the Embassy of Ukraine in China will go on doing its best to promote humanitarian exchanges between our two states, in particular, in the New Silk Road framework, here including cultivating talents for this sphere.
外语教学与研究出版社(简称“外研社”)由北京外国语大学于1979 年创办并主管,是一家以外语教育出版为特色,国内领先、国际知名的综合性文化教育出版机构。[了解更多]
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