代表国:科特迪瓦共和国 联合国儿童权利委员会 (CRC)
The opening ceremony of the MMUN 2012 was held at the UN General Assembly at the UN headquarters. The famous room, with two abstract paintings at the side, and a big golden sign of the UN at the front, was the UN General Assembly, where each member state had a position and exactly one vote. The most interesting thing in the room, from my perspective, is perhaps the two paintings. When the artist finished painting them, observers had different views on the idea that the painter tried to deliver. It is said that people all have different views on its theme. Here is what I thought: the painting was quite simple with the use of color, using the simplest colors that could be found. However, it appears to be that the paintings are a cluster of colors. They are tangled and tied together, and partially separated. I suppose that the author was trying to deliver a theme of collectivity and unity.
Several guests were invited to the opening ceremony, including government officials and independent consultants that worked for peace-making. The speeches given by the guests were inspiring mind-refreshment. They gave me a new understanding of peace, of diplomacy and about helping others through your own hands. We are one race, the human race. It sounds simple, but what it meant is definitely not simple. On the one hand, it means that humans are of the same species in biology classification; on the other hand, it means that physical, cultural, and theological differences among different nationals, different ethnic groups, and people with different ideas can be neglected, as we are, the human race. Disparities exist as a reality, but we cannot allow these disparities become a barricade of forming friendship and finding common ground.
On the committee sessions, we discussed and debated about the rights of the child. Our committee, the committee on the rights of the child, is officially a group of independent experts in the field of human rights, whose prime objective is to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by its state parties (CRC fact sheet, www2.ohchr.org).
Today's topic at the CRC was the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of child soldiers. The topic is quite serious, and there was little laughter during debate. There were lots of friendly debate, and everyone was polite. Negotiations went on people found what they have in common, and used that common basis to develop wonderful draft resolutions. Marie Montessori's opinions were that everyone should speak, and this idea was found in our conference room. In one word, the conference was a success.
The CRC is composed of independent experts who are believed to be high in morality and expert at the field of human rights. They are independent, which means that they do not represent a nation’s government, and nor would they be obliged to listen to governments. Hence, what they decide will be independent from the benefits of a country, and would reflect the real idea of how the issue should be addressed and solved. The interest-free debate was the fusion of different views and suggestions, and was the debate that could have only existed in Utopia. It would be really fortunate to have this friendliness in real foreign affairs.
(由于在会场上的出色表现,易家弘同学受到了CRC主席团的赞赏,并特别邀请其参加“Leadership Institution”,是为培养MMUN主席团成员、主导未来会议进程,专为高中生、大学生及MMUN教师开设。作为唯一被邀请的初中学生,他为中国、为北京和学校赢得了荣誉。)
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